Do double-check your contact information. You won’t get called back if they can’t get in touch with you.
Do focus on your accomplishments and quantify them if possible to show what kind of value you can bring.
Do customize and tailor each resume you send out to the position you are applying for.
Do use powerful, action verbs.
Do your best to make yourself look like the most suitable candidate. This is your time to brag, but avoid appearing arrogant and never lie.
Do concentrate on your transferable skills from positions that otherwise might not be related to what you are applying for.
Do consider having a professional write your resume. They know what employers are looking for.
Don’t include unnecessary information that might hurt you, like why you left a past job. Let these topics come up in the interview.
Don’t use a template – just like every person is different, so should every resume.
Don’t use tables to format your resume, they can confuse ATS filters and get your resume thrown out before anyone even looks at it.
Don’t make spelling or grammatical errors. Have multiple people proofread it.
Don’t go over one page unless you have enough professional experience to back it up. Longer is not necessarily better.
Don’t feel you need to include irrelevant work history if you already have plenty of relevant work history for the position you are applying to.
Don’t include irrelevant information like your exact address (the city and state can be mentioned) or your school if you already have college experience.
Don’t include any graphics or colours. Keep it simple and easy to read.